
When you’re building your online strategy, you have a lot of factors to take into consideration—clean code for your website, content, social media tags, blog posts, user integration, etc. You may also hear the phrase “content is king.” While this may be true, there is a more specific phrase that should be used “quality searchable content is king.” For example (hypothetical), instead of writing 20 pages of generic content about coffee, write 12 pages about dark Italian roast whole bean coffee, which is what your store,, specializes in.

Now, this is not to say you should only write specific words, but when working on your keyword strategy, take a step back and think of how the consumer would search for your product and see how your keywords line up in that arena. This is especially important in today’s world where consumers are used to talking to search engines like a person. Siri and Android’s smart search options are catering to this approach to search. I find myself going to Google and searching more in a question framework and have found it fascinating how more and more results are coming up that are catered to my specific request.

Typically, you will seethat long tail keywords won’t get as much traffic as short tail keywords, but the conversion will be slightly higher because a consumer that uses a longer phrase is specifically looking for your product. If you aren’t quite sure how to start forming long tail keywords, there are some great tools out there for you: Google’s Adwords Tool or Uber Suggest.

To wrap things up, while short tail keywords are still important and relevant, be sure to include long tail keywords as well. Planning a long tail keyword strategy for your brand helps ensure that you are continually driving traffic and bringing new visitors to your site. Try it out yourself and see how integrating a healthy mix of keywords affects your traffic and conversions.